I have good news and bad news this week…
Good news: my main QB Flacco had a great week
Bad news: he was on my bench.
Good news: I scored 83 pts this week (almost 30 pts more than last week!)
Bad news: I still lost.
Yes, I am 0-3. Ouch! AND, I am still at the bottom of the league chart. Ouch, again!
I may need to change my goals. Instead of focusing on the playoffs, I am going to see if I can…win…a…game.
In order to accomplish this new goal, it is important that I stay positive about my team. Research suggests that “re-framing” is a very effective tool when you feel that the football gods are out to get you you are upset about a situation. Re-framing is basically thinking about a situation in a different way by accentuating the positive. Wait, I am pretty sure that is a song…
So, let’s review my team’s performance and end each section with a silver lining.
My Quarterbacks:
McNabb (my starter) made 13 pts
Flacco (on my bench) made 22 pts
QB Silver lining: You might think that I would be upset that I played the wrong QB. But, I am actually happy that I have two viable QBs. Now, I just have to figure out which one to play each week…
My Wide Receivers:
Moss (starter #1) made 16 pts
Smith (starter #2) made 10 pts
Thomas (starter #3) made 4 pts
Crabtree (on my bench) made 3 pts
WR Silver lining: Yeah! Randy Moss found the end zone twice (yes, it was against the Bills, but I am still happy). Smith did okay. And, I chose the right starters. Sure, I would like my WR to score more points, but…we are focusing on positives right now.
My Running Backs:
Jones-Drew (starter #1) made 8 pts
Tolbert (starter #2) made 6 pts
Stewart (on my bench) made 6 pts
RB Silver lining: I am having a hard time finding a silver lining here. Jones-Drew was my first pick in the draft. He is supposed to be my main source of points. Tobert was supposed to make at least 15 points too. SIGH. My RBs are killing me! (See how long it took me to go negative?). Maybe the best thing is to move one here…
My Tight End:
Finley made 11 pts.
Silver lining: Finley made double the points the experts predicted. (Knock wood) I am pretty lucky here.
My Defense:
The Packers defense made 9 pts
Silver lining: The Packers are a good defense (knock wood, again), even if they made too many errors during the GB-CHI game.
Bottom Line: My team is getting better, but I am weak at the RB position. After all the injuries this last weekend, I think many teams are in the same boat.
Oh, and before I forget. There was one more silver lining. I watched the game at my friends’ house and they had a wide screen TV, NFL Red Zone…and cool snacks:
You have to love cookies shaped like footballs! Thanks, gals!